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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Fundamentals of HTML.

HTML is a set of tags and their attributes that define different parts of web document and inform web browsers how to display them.
An HTML document is a text file that containt the information to publish.
It also containt embedded instruction called elements.
These elements indicate to Web browser how to present the document.
HTML has many static elements like text and list, hyperlink, table and frame.
HTML also has dynamic elements like forms, multimedia, Java Applet, JavaScript, style sheet and dynamic HTML.
Drawback of HTML is it cannot respond to the user, cannot make decision or automate repetitive tasks.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines specification for HTML.
The W3C has defined HTML as an application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
Most recent version of specification for the HTML is 4.01.

HTML introducton.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML is alanguage which is used to create web page.
We will discuss fundamentals of HTML like HTML tag, use of HTML, tools required to develop and view HTML document , how to create first HTML document and structure of HTML.
These fundamental topics will help to strong base to understand HTML. After you learn how to add image, sound and video to HTML document.